
Our Mission

The Central Brevard Sharing Center provides emergency assistance and guidance to those in our community who are struggling to obtain life’s most basic needs.

Our Vision

Be the best provider of basic needs services to clients in Brevard County by improving and expanding programs and facilities through a strong, financially independent organization.

Our Core Values

Clients First *Respect for Individuals *Pursuit of Excellence * Good Stewards of Resources * Dedicated to the Community


We have been a non profit 501(c)3 since 1978, providing emergency basic needs assistance to Central Brevard residents.

Founded by civic minded individuals who saw a need not being met in the community. The Sharing Center was initially staffed with volunteer help. We had a modest budget and served 30 people per month.

The Community Kitchen and Thrift Shop programs were opened in 1985. Originally the food served through our kitchen came from local churches but due to the increased need we now have staff on hand to prepare the daily meal.

In 1989 the Sharing Center moved to its Cocoa location. As the needs in the community grew the Sharing Center has expanded to meet many of the needs by adding a second location in Merritt Island.

Growing through Giving

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


Who We Serve

Everyone struggles at times. Less than 6% we serve are homeless. Our programs make sure individuals don’t have to go without life’s most essential needs.

Ages 0-5

Ages 6-18

Ages 19-64

Ages 65+

113 Aurora Street



Monday–Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: 9:30am to 1:30pm
Closed Sunday

95 E. Merritt Ave.

Merritt Island


Monday–Saturday: 10am to 9pm
Sunday: 12pm to 6pm


City of Rockledge Seal
Brevard County
City of Cocoa, Florida
Department of Veterans Affairs
United Way of Brevard
second harvest food bank of central florida
Family Promise of Brevard
The Children's hunger Project
Brevard C.A.R.E.S. (Coordination, Advocacy, Resources, Education and Support)