Volunteer Sign Up

Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Sharing Center of Central Brevard. People like you are what make this community great. Please fill out the form below and we will process your volunteer application as quickly as possible. Thank you again.

    First Name*

    Middle Initial

    Last Name*

    Home Address*

    Home City*

    Home State*

    Home ZIP*

    Work Address

    Work City

    Work State

    Work ZIP

    Home Phone*

    Work Phone

    Fax Number

    Cell Phone

    Personal Email*

    Work Email

    Please indicate to which address you prefer to have your mail delivered:


    May we fax or email you at work?


    May we add you to our e-newsletter mailing list?


    Current/Previous Social, Civic, or Community Involvement (note organization, position, and dates involved)

    Areas of Interest* (Select all that apply)

    Office AssistanceFood PantryKitchen/Dining RoomThrift Store/Furniture StoreTruck Driver/Furniture PickupDriver/Food Pickup Van

    Sharing Center Hours of Operation

    Office: Monday–Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

    Food Pantry: Monday–Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

    Thrift Store: Monday–Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM; Saturday from 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM

    Please indicate the starting and ending hours you are available to work*:







    Select all that apply*:

    I wish to volunteer in the thrift storeI wish to volunteer in the kitchenI wish to volunteer in the officeI wish to volunteer as a driver

    How did you hear about us?

    When is your birthday? (month/day)

    Do you sign or speak a second language? If so, please explain here.

    Do you have any comments or information about you or your family you would like to share?

    Please list any skills or talents you can bring to the sharing center.

    Emergency Contact Information

    Contact Name

    Contact Phone

    Relationship to Contact

    Contact Address*

    Contact City*

    Contact State*

    Contact ZIP*
